Shiba Doesn’t Want To Walk: Helps & Guide

Shiba Doesn't Want To Walk

Shiba Doesn’t Want To Walk: Helps & Guide

Meet the Shiba Inu, a pint sized pup with a personality as independent as it is adorable. While walks are a vital part of their well being, convincing a Shiba Inu to stroll willingly can be a challenge. These furry friends, often likened to cats for their discerning behavior, sometimes plant their paws firmly, signaling a clear “no” to a walk.

In this guide, we’ll explore the quirks of Shiba Inu behavior, decode signs of their reluctance, and unveil practical tips for coaxing them out the door. Get ready to embark on a journey of understanding and patience with your charmingly stubborn Shiba!

Understanding Shiba Inu Behavior

Shiba Inus, characterized by their spirited personality, are a unique canine breed with distinct behavioral traits. Renowned for their independence, Shiba Inus often display a cat like aloofness, making them an intriguing addition to any household. This breed is known for its intelligence, agility, and strong willed nature. Unlike some dogs that readily follow commands, Shiba Inus may challenge authority and prefer to make decisions independently. Recognizing and appreciating their independent streak is crucial for understanding Shiba Inu behavior. This insight lays the foundation for addressing challenges like getting them to willingly partake in activities such as walks, where their autonomy might clash with your expectations.

Signs Your Shiba Inu Doesn’t Want to Walk

  • Freeze Mode: When your Shiba Inu suddenly stops in their tracks, seemingly glued to the ground, it’s a clear sign they’re not enthusiastic about the impending walk.
  • Leash Resistance: If your Shiba resists when you try to attach the leash or exhibits noticeable discomfort when wearing it, they might be signaling their reluctance.
  • Backpedaling or Sitting Down: Instead of moving forward, your Shiba might take a step back or plop down on their haunches, signaling a lack of interest in proceeding.
  • Turning Away: A Shiba Inu turning their head or body away from the leash or walking direction suggests a desire to avoid the upcoming activity.
  • Vocal Protest: Whining, growling, or outright vocal resistance can be a vocal expression of your Shiba’s reluctance to go for a walk.
  • Evasive Maneuvers: Your Shiba might employ evasive tactics like weaving between your legs or attempting to slip out of their collar, demonstrating their desire to escape the walk.
  • Lingering at Home: If your Shiba shows a preference for staying indoors and resists heading toward the door, they may be signaling their disinterest in venturing outside.

Understanding these signs helps you differentiate between a Shiba’s natural behavior and genuine discomfort, allowing you to address their concerns and make walks a more enjoyable experience for both of you.

Troubleshooting Tips

Your Shiba’s sudden dislike for walks can leave you feeling perplexed and frustrated. But fret not, fellow explorer! This troubleshooting guide might hold the key to unlocking those stubborn paws and embarking on happy adventures once more.

Addressing the Physical:

  • Harness blues: Is your Shiba’s harness chafing or restricting movement? Try different styles and materials to find one that’s comfortable and secure.
  • Foot woes: Check for cracked nails, paw pad injuries, or embedded objects that might be causing discomfort. Consult a vet if needed.
  • Weather warfare: Extreme temperatures or unpleasant surfaces like hot asphalt can deter even the most enthusiastic walker. Opt for cooler times of day and choose smooth, comfortable paths.
  • Joint worries: If your Shiba is older or has known joint issues, consult a vet about pain management options or supplements to make walks easier.

Conquering the Mental:

  • Fear factor: Identify potential triggers like loud noises, unfamiliar settings, or aggressive dogs. Gradually introduce them to these stimuli in positive contexts to build confidence.
  • Boredom busters: The same old route can become monotonous. Switch up your routine, explore new paths, and incorporate games or sniff breaks to keep walks interesting.
  • Scentsitive soul: Some Shibas are overwhelmed by sensory overload. Start in familiar, low stimulus environments and gradually expose them to new sights and smells in a positive way.
  • Separation anxiety: Is your Shiba worried about leaving home? Create a consistent walk routine, offer calming treats before walks, and consider leaving a worn piece of clothing with your scent at home.

Training Tactics:

  • Positive reinforcement: Reward good behavior like starting the walk, walking calmly, or focusing on you instead of distractions. Use high value treats, enthusiastic praise, and happy playtime to make walks enjoyable.
  • Gentle leash guidance: Avoid harsh corrections or pulling on the leash. Use gentle guidance and positive prompts to encourage your Shiba to move in the desired direction.
  • Command consistency: Use clear, consistent commands like “heel” or “let’s go” and stick to them. Avoid saying your Shiba’s name in an exasperated tone, as this could associate walks with negativity.
  • Seek professional help: If you’re struggling to overcome your Shiba’s walk aversion, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist for personalized guidance and training techniques.


  • Patience is key: Progress may be slow, and setbacks are inevitable. Celebrate even the smallest victories and remain patient throughout the process.
  • Make it fun!: Walks should be enjoyable experiences for both you and your Shiba. Keep things light, incorporate play sessions, and shower your furry friend with affection along the way.

With these troubleshooting tips, a dash of patience, and a whole lot of love, you can overcome your Shiba’s walk woes and rediscover the joy of shared adventures. So, lace up your walking shoes, grab those high value treats, and prepare to embark on a tail wagging journey with your stubborn yet adorable Shiba companion!

Also Read: Why Is My Shiba Inu Tail Down: Comprehensive Guide


In wrapping up, coaxing your Shiba Inu into walks might take time, but understanding their unique quirks is the first step. Patience and positive reinforcement play key roles in turning reluctant strolls into enjoyable adventures. Remember, every Shiba Inu is an individual with distinct preferences, so tailoring your approach is crucial.

Celebrate the small victories, stay consistent, and embrace the journey of building a bond with your charmingly stubborn companion. With time, you’ll find that those resistant paws can be convinced, and your walks will become moments of joy and connection for both you and your Shiba Inu.


1. Why is my Shiba Inu so resistant to walks?

  • Shiba Inus, with their independent spirit, may resist walks due to a blend of personality and external factors. Understanding their unique temperament and addressing any discomfort or fear is crucial for a successful stroll.

2. Can I use treats to encourage my Shiba Inu to walk?

  • Absolutely! Treats serve as a powerful motivator. By associating walks with positive rewards, you create a delightful experience that encourages your Shiba Inu to embrace outdoor adventures.

3. What if my Shiba Inu still refuses to walk after trying these tips?

  • Persistence is key. If challenges persist, consider consulting a professional trainer to tailor strategies to your Shiba’s specific needs. Every Shiba Inu is a unique individual, and expert guidance can make a significant difference.

4. How do I balance patience with the need for regular exercise?

  • Finding the right balance is essential. While maintaining patience, incorporate mental stimulation and engage your Shiba Inu in activities they enjoy. This not only fosters a positive association with walks but also ensures they stay physically and mentally active.

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